Friday, March 1, 2013

The Veganning

This is the Veganning. The beginning of my journey to become a happy and healthy vegan. But before we get into the good stuff, let's talk about the word "Vegan".
What is a vegan? According to multiple dictionaries, the word vegan means "A person who does not eat or use animal products." Now, don't get that confused with Vegetarians. Vegetarians are people who cut out meats, but still eat animal products like cheese and eggs. When you go vegan, it means no cheese, no eggs, no leather, no lard, no snakeskin boots (bad news for you vegan cowboys).

Now, you're probably wondering what weirdo would want to live like that. I know some people have called me a hippie, and I'm just waiting to hear someone call me an alien. But, all kinds of people live a meat and animal product free life and for all different reasons.

Why am I going Vegan? The two main reasons I'm going vegan is for my health and for ethics. Health wise, I've never felt good when eating meat. I've been a vegetarian off and on for almost four years, and I always felt better when cutting it out. And ethics? Well, I love animals. I hate the idea of factory farming and all the animal cruelty that goes on in them. A sad but truthful commentary on factory farming is "Glass Walls" by Paul McCartney. It's not for the weak of heart, but I recommend it to anyone willing. You can find the video here.

So, I hope you keep reading my posts about my journey on the yellow brick road of Animal-free living.


  1. Looking forward to your posts! I hope you include some vegan recipes so those of us who aren't vegans can at least try it.

  2. Your Mom posted a link to your blog. I look forward to keeping up with you via your posts! :) And I ditto the hope that you will share a few vegan recipes.

    (from your Mom's friend that you met in Cincy a couple years ago...)

  3. Congratulations on your new blog & practice of being a vegan. Whilst I could live without meat, I love cheese & eggs! I'll give the croc cowboy boots a miss though lol!

  4. I love it! Looking forward to reading more on your next blog! While I'm not sure I can go vegan just yet, I would most certainly try some please include your favorites! How about juicing recipes?!

  5. Thank you all for the comments! I'll make sure to keep the blog updated with different recipes that I'll be trying along the way!

  6. Caitlin, this is great. While I'm not a vegan and have no plans to become one, I completely support and appreciate your efforts to chronicle your experiences. Besides, blogging's great. Welcome to the club.
